The Company
Dear Reader:
Welcome, the basic premise underlying the efforts and products of Modern Signs Press, Inc. has not significantly changed. What you see on the following pages represents the culmination of more than 36 years spent by many individuals developing materials to teach a sign language system that replicates spoken and written English.
Like many ideas, SEE was born out of a sense of frustration with existing methods and the poor educational levels of many of the deaf and hard of hearing students we encountered in our teaching and interpreting careers. So, in 1972, we brought our personal and professional perspectives to the drawing board and SEE was founded. The Signing Exact English text was the original product.
Through the years, the product line has expanded as a result of information and requests from you, the user. What started out as a basic dictionary has grown to a broad line of basic products, along with a number of items for more advanced users. Also, these SEE materials now are being used with hearing students with English problems, such as students that are autistic, aphasic or otherwise language-delayed. We continue to welcome any suggestions that make our learning tools more effective.
It is this philosophy that has led to much of what appears in this catalog. Many of the creative materials listed here have been developed and presented to us by teachers and parents who enjoyed the use of SEE and sought additional fun ways to use it with their children. It is their creativity and enthusiasm, coupled with their experiences using SEE, that deserve the credit for inspiring SEE songbooks, imaginative storybooks, computer software, videotapes and much more.
This commitment by teachers and parents has clear results. Research studies now appearing point to improved English skills in deaf and hard of hearing children whose families and schools use SEE consistently.
We at Modern SIgns Press, Inc., continue to encourage ongoing dialogue. Communications from you allow us to develop the learning resources needed by our audience. We welcome suggestions, comments, ideas, questions and possible future projects from you and invite you to join us as we make English come alive.
Gerilee Gustason Esther Zawolkow
P.O. Box 1181
Los Alamitos, California 90720
V Phone: (562) 596-8548
V/TTY Phone: (562) 493-4168
Fax: (562) 795-6614